kimæra. Collective exhibition kinema ikon at Indecis artist run

At Indecis artist run (Bastion 3, str. Hector nr 1), the collective exhibition kimæra, a kinema ikon project curated by Călin Man, opened in mid-June.

kimæra / main computer @ remote
the kimæra project, composed of 9 works made by 12 artists over the course of two years, aims to become a hybrid body, an interactive digital meta-installation where each work/module will be functional as a part and as a whole. The installation combines old media with digital (new) media, public city space with IoT (internet of things), Aaugmented Reality, 3D printing, AI-generated sound and image, mobile applications, NFT, etc. coordinated by a central computer, each of the 9 modules having an input and an output that enables the works to interact with each other.

kimæra – how it works
each module has an input and an output; when the output is not connected to the central unit, the module is controlled by the physical interaction of persons ( person ) with the module; when the modules are connected to the central unit, through it, they will interact both with each other and with the users as follows: • besides the intrinsic effect produced by the physical presence of the observer, the outputs [ stills (jpeg, png, …, audio files, ASCII)] – are converted into a token, the result of (inter)actions with users. • the token, transferred/sent to the central unit/cloud where it is decrypted and sent to the module selected by the user influencing the respective module(s). • the action of associating the inputs and outputs can be random in the case of not interacting with the system (neither physically nor through the central unit).

kimæra team:
modules by: Alex Halka / gH / reVoltaire / Bogdanator / Floriama Cândea / Marina Oprea / Ioana Marșic / Thea Lazar / Adrian Ganea / Flaviu Rogojan / Suzana Dan / Dragoș Dogioiu / AR App:, Florian Weinrich / programming: Mihai Sava / green screen app: Ilie Ciotir /
curator: Călin Man

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