LOSS OF INNOCENCE | Alma Redlinger retrospective exhibition at MNAC

The retrospective exhibition Alma Redlinger, Loss of Innocence, curated by Călin Dan, can be visited at the National Museum of Contemporary Art until March 31, 2024.

“Alma Redlinger’s works are subject to a double key of reading – that of the demiurgic game, with low materials that must be ennobled, and that of the cultural second game, in which the opposite is done, the “divine” substance of creation being attacked and subjected to minor commentary. The predominant aim is one – Matissean – of immediate joy, of an epicurean settlement among forms. This unifying hedonism gives the ensemble its charm; he subtly animates the creation, conferring a sensation of permanent autobiographical emanation, also stimulating the empathetic fraternization of the viewer, which seems to have been foreseen in the economy of the image as a participatory factor, as an “actant”.

The spectacular character of the works is thus revealed. The fractures of the form, the whites spared from color and drawing alike give a rebusistic route, they compose a charade in whose voids of meaning the artist (the hidden portrait) and the viewer (hunter of meanings) follow each other. This game of decomposition/composition, retaining a freshness of the first ages, is refined/complicated by cultural modulation. Making/reading goes through several filters of “loss of innocence”: technique and cultural quote.”— Călin Dan

Alma Redlinger (March 8, 1924 – February 2, 2017) was a painter and illustrator. She studied at the Free Art Academy, between 1940 and 1944, and in 1945 at the Academy of Art Guguianu, with the teacher and painter M.H. Maxy. She was a member of the Artists Union in Bucharest from 1951. From 1945 she exhibited at graphic painting salons and then at state art exhibitions.

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